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In 1995,

a work group "Baltic fund for Nature" was organized within the St. Petersburg Naturalists' Society



In 2000, BFN still being a part of St. Petersburg Naturalists' Society, became the first member of IUCN from St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. In 2002, the work group "Baltic Fund for Nature" separated from the St. Petersburg Naturalists' Society to form an independent organization. A new Inter-regional Charitable Public Organization "Biologists for Nature Conservation" was established, however an informal name "Baltic Fund for Nature" has been kept to stress the continuity between the two.

Carrying out its mission, Baltic Fund for Nature promotes the development of a network of protected areas in the North-West of Russia and international cooperation in the field of the conservation of biodiversity and unique ecosystems of Baltic region.

Рустам сагитов

Rustam Sagitov

Rustam Sagitov was born on October 1, 1950 in Samarkand to a family of University professors. His father was a renowned Zoologist, his mother was a professor in the school of Medicine. Rustam has chosen to follow the steps of his father. In 1972, he graduated from the Moscow State University where he specialised in Zoology. After his graduation, Roustam spent three years in Novosibirsk Biological insiture of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR studying migratory and nesting behaviour of waterfowl. In 1975, he became a doctorate student at the Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) State University. His scientific supervisor was Alexei Malchevskii, the head of the Vertebrate Zoology department and an eminent ornithologist. Rustam soon became one of Malchevskii's most gifted and promising students and disciples. Upon receiving his Ph. D. in 1979, he joined the faculty for Biology at Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) State University. Over many years of his professorial duties he supervised more than thirty M. S. and three Ph. D. dissertations.

Сергей Резвый

Sergei Rezvyi

A close friend and colleague of Rustam Sagitov. They worked together for 18 years at BFN and still more at the Separtment for Vertebrate Zoology of the St. Petersburg University. They met for the first time during their Ph. D. studies and, over the years, this ackquaintance grew into a long lasting friendship.

Sergei Rezvyi was a project co-ordinatior at BFN, a dedicated ornithologist, field biologist, and a friendly person, always ready to willingly help the others.



Promoting the practical application of research results and involving scientists and practitioners in the implementation of international environmental projects in the North-West Russia

Promoting and supporting the development of environmentally friendly and sustainable forms of farming and, in particular, environmentally friendly agriculture and fishery in the North-West of Russia

Supporting environmental education in the region, including the development of eco-tourism

Cooperating with governmental agencies and local authorities, exchange of environmental information, provision of advice and assistance in the development of strategies and action plans for the conservation of biodiversity

Expanding the network of protected areas in the North West of Russia



Марина Вильнер

Marina Vilner

M.S. in Biology,

Fundraising, biodiversity studies, sustainable fishery

Юлия Данилова

Yulia Danilova

M.S. in Biology,
member of IUCN Commission on Education and Communication

Popularization of science, interactive learning technologies. wildlife studies

Евгений Генельт

Eugeny Genelt-Yanovskyi

Ph. D. in Biology, President of the Council, Project Co-ordinator

Population biology, Biogeography, popularization of science

Ирина Трухавнова

Irina Trukhanova

Ph. D. in Biology,
Project Co-ordinator,
expert of the pinniped workgroup at IUCN Species Survival Commission,
member of the Russian Marine Mammals Council

Marine mammals study and protection, consequences of climate change, conservation biology

Татьяна Иванова

Tatiana Ivanova

M.S. in Ecology
Project Co-ordinator

Baltic sea ecosystems, biodiversity studies.

Бутрис Маргарита

Margarita Butris


Gamification of learning, lifelong education


Polina Bakunovich

B.S. in Geography,
Project Assistant

Немков Иван

Ivan Nemkov

System Administrator




Projects portfolio

Изучение популяций атлантического лосося

Изучение популяций атлантического лосося

Центр рыболовства Южной Карелии



Программа по изучению тюленей

Программа по изучению тюленей

Район Лужской губы Финского залива



Развитие Изумрудной сети в России

Развитие Изумрудной сети в России






Предварительные результаты обследования озера Высокинского







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